Document Preparation Quality
We are staffed to perform all of the tasks necessary to ensure the success of your project, including document preparation. Key to this Stage of the project is maintaining the organizational integrity and natural unitization of your files. During the Preparation Stage, this unitization must be maintained to ensure that every page is processed correctly and accurately.
The document preparation processes we utilize ensure that the natural order of each document is maintained and that your files are prepared to enable the best possible conversion results. We believe that pre-project training minimizes production variations. Therefore, after the Project Kick-Off Meeting, we create an internal manual for each Team. This manual serves as the training aid that outlines your project requirements. For the Document Preparation Team, we focus on general requirements (such as staple removal, binding removal, document repair and page orientation) and specific requirements (such as special handling of Post-It Notes, color images and media). For example, your Document Preparation Training Manual might contain detailed instructions on how to ‘flag’ color pictures to enable the Scan Team to identify the need to change scanning modes on-the-fly.
We understand that organization is key to the successful conversion of your files. We utilize a Kanban / Kaizen approach to production and process improvement (these methods of production and improvement were founded by Toyota and, at their core, define a visual approach to tracking materials through the production process and improving the process when variance is introduced). Specifically, we utilize a box labeling strategy to track your project through each Stage of the production process.
In addition, for each functional area we designate a Quality Lead who performs a multi-tiered Quality Review to identify any variance early and make adjustments. If additional preparation is required, the Quality Lead defines the root cause of the variation, then holds a meeting to explain to the team how to address and eliminate the cause. This detailed, through and multi-tiered review process allows our Team to eliminate 99% of all variation before your project enters the Scanning Stage.
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