Biometrics Technology Goes Hands-Off With Document Management
The future of document security is changing. Just ask Matt Bukovicky and Charles Teel, creators of the new iOS app, Lockbox, which uses fingerprint scanning technology to approve or deny application access — in the document management field, this kind of technology could help manage permissions, access and improve audit logs. But as the security market evolves, some companies are falling behind. How do you make the most of evolving document management services to enable your company's productivity, performance and profits?
The Biometric Alternative
Biometrics isn't a new field of study, but it's only recently been applied to system access and other storage-based permissions. One problem developers needed to overcome was accuracy — if fingerprints, retina scans or voice patterns aren't correctly identified in 99 percent of cases or better, the integrity of the system breaks down. In the case of Lockbox, for example, Apple's Touch ID service has now improved to a point where such applications are possible, giving users both confidence in security and the versatility of mobile — no need to remember passwords or physical authentication devices.
Another stumbling block for biometrics is fear of adoption. Some companies worry that personal data won't be safely stored, while others feel more comfortable with traditional security methods such as tokens or multiple password and username configurations. These are familiar sentiments in the document storage and conversion industry, which sees many businesses holding onto legacy practices even as secure alternatives begin to surpass old practices.
Bridging the Gap
Information is power when it can be securely retrieved at the point of need. The data contained in your company files — everything from microfiche to paper documents to electronic "image-only" files — is the currency of your organization. And while cloud-based document management systems are now available to help businesses bridge the gap between physical and electronic media, many view these systems as potential security issues. But just as biometric solutions are changing the way users access a system, cloud-based document management systems are changing the way companies store and retrieve this data securely.
Consider the idea of future-proofing your organization. It's a popular topic: how do you ensure that infrastructure and data management policies are not only effective now but are flexible enough to keep you competitive over the next five years? Biometric technologies represent a significant step forward in the arena of information access, but once the your Team's access has been verified and granted, how will they find the information they are looking for quickly and securely.
Document management services aren't just about conversion. Secure solutions offer a way to limit access and easily track compliance, but only if companies are willing to bridge the digital/physical divide. Bottom line? Fingerprints on mobile devices represent a unique way to access a system or application; these same fingerprints on physical documents are a holdover from an earlier document storage area — go hands-off and get the most from your information assets by converting them to digital assets.
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