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What Are Mission Critical Conversion Services?

Mission Critical Documents

Most companies use online storage for all documents created on company computers. This includes documents critical to day-to-day business operations, security, and those that are more of a casual nature and may not even require special care with storage. Mission critical documents are those a company cannot afford to lose if a network goes down. Every organization has certain documents of this nature-documents that if lost during a network outage, would be devastating to normal business operations.

Unique Solutions for Unique Projects

Since each business defines mission critical documents differently, each require unique services to manage those documents deemed mission critical. Even within the same company, different projects have their own set of requirements. It’s critical to find a document scanning company that tailors services to meet the unique needs of each of your business projects.

Can’t You Just Scan?

For mission critical services, it’s not enough to simply scan documents and store on company servers. Networks go down. Information critical to operations is lost. Most company software cannot guarantee the integrity of scanned documents. Often, scanned documents lose clarity during the imaging process. The result may be imaged documents that are not as clear as the originals. This is especially important when scanning blueprints, statistics, and other special instructions.

Conversion Is Critical

Mission critical documents get scanned, converted, and indexed. The conversion process is perhaps one of the most important steps. Mission critical documents must be imaged in a way that preserves the integrity of the original document. A document scanning service needs to be chosen based on their ability to not only scan your mission critical documents, but to understand the general and specific project requirements. The service must be able to ensure that your imaging requirements are met without any variation. Conversion performed correctly produces files that are converted to the appropriate file format, meaning your documents don’t lose image integrity.

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